

Or "How to be cute without really trying".

There are quite a few words/phrases that Matthew says incorrectly. And because they all sound so darn cute we don't do much to correct him. Actually, he'll sometimes correct us. His way is, of course, the right way. And he's not shy about letting you know it. So here are my top 10, in no particular order.

1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarps
2. Twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fife-teen...
3. Pack-pack (backpack)
4. Flordiduh (Florida)
5. Cay Cod (Cape Cod)
6. Twinkle, twinkle widdle star...
7. On-wendge juice (orange juice)
8. Week whacker (weed whacker)
9. Cuh-puter (computer)
10. And how can we forget, the mispronunciation that will stay with his baby brother for the rest of his life (whether he likes it or not): Hampiwy, when he couldn't say Anthony.

There are dozens more, these are just some that we hear on a daily basis.

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